So, you've been getting points for going without soda for quite some time and now you're ready to take it up a notch. This week, we are taking out alcohol and any artificial sweeteners/sugars added into drinks. So, this means:
NO Alcohol
NO Sweetened Coffee Drinks
NO Sweetened Teas
No Crystal Light
So, what can you drink? So glad you asked.
Water (of course)
Black coffee
Unsweetened Teas
Unsweetened Nut Milks
100% juice (but go easy on this if fat loss is your goal)
La Croix Sparkling Water
Bai Drinks/Bubbles
Stevia is a natural form of a sweetener that doesn't contain calories. It is also much better for you than other artificial sweeteners. I recommend this brand for it's taste and lack of aftertaste:
You can get them on Amazon or locally they are at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Good Earth, Complete Nutrition.
If you crave soda, give this a whirl:
1 tall glass
fill with ice
a squirt of coconut stevia
a squeeze of lime
add sparkling water
It's bubbly, it's just sweet enough, and it's delicious!