Thursday, May 1, 2014


My name is Miki Eberhardt and I'm a registered dietitian, nutrition coach, teacher, and a personal trainer.  I've always had a passion for nutrition & fitness from the time I was young.  Growing up as a trained dancer, I think I've always been conscious of my body and how to make it work and feel best.

I earned my Bachelor's degree from BYU in Nutrition & Dietetics. I was a leader for the Student Dietetic Association as well as a Dance Captain for the National Chamption BYU Dance Team, The Cougarettes. Upon completion of my degree, I went on to do a 12-month dietetic internship through Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA.  During this time I also studied and became a personal trainer.

After my internship, I was hired by the medical center.  I spent my time educating patients on medical nutrition therapy, teaching outpatient diabetes classes, training at the employee fitness center, as well as creating and running a successful employee healthy & fitness challenge.

It was around this time that I realized I would much rather be working on the preventative side of healthcare. I wanted to educate and help people who wanted to be helped...a hospital setting often isn't the best environment for this education.  So, I started my own business in 2006 and have been helping, educating, and motivating clients ever since to lose weight, eat healther, be active...all while having a lot of fun.

I am a member of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics and have completed training for Adult Weight Management through the Commission of Dietetic Registration.  I have created a fun, interactive nutrition seminar series entitled, Foodology: Good Nutrition for a Lifetime of Health, which I have taught around the valley in various business and gym settings.

On a personal note, I am married with three children.  I served an LDS church mission to Nagoya Japan and can still speak fluent Japanese which typically only gets tested while visiting Hawaii or local national parks. :)  I love all aspects of fitness, but my latest passions seem to be CrossFit, running, and biking.  I enjoy spending time outdoors with my family and am embarrssed to say that I'm a TV reality-show junkie.  I enjoy trying my hand at new recipes, but hate doing the dishes.

I understand the time and effort it takes to plan and eat healthy; however, I also firmly believe it doesn't have to be difficult.  With so much conflicting nutrition and fitness information out there, I enjoy being a voice of clarity and reason where clients can turn to get accurate information which in turn gets great results.